Wednesday 4/19
Oreo Dream Extreme Cheesecake For Time: 100 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Untamed Fitness North
Oreo Dream Extreme Cheesecake For Time: 100 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Snatch 3x2 2 Squat Snatch x 3 sets Snatch Grip Deadlift 3x2 2 Snatch Grip Deadlifts x 3 sets Conditioning Original Cheesecake Men:...
Programming 4/17 Monday Half Murph 800m Run 50 Pull-Ups 100 Push-Ups 150 Air Squats 800m Run
Conditioning “Mean Green Rage Machine” Partner Workout: 50/40 Calorie Row 50 Push ups 50/40 Calorie Row 100 Shoulder to Overhead (115/80)...
Strength Split Jerk 1x1 10-15 Minutes of Practice Conditioning “Don’t Make Me Angry” 4 rounds 10 Right Arm Dumbbell Cleans (50/35) (RX+...
Strength Clean 3x3 3 Cleans x 3 sets Clean Deadlift 3x3 3 Clean Grip Deadlifts x 3 sets Hulk Smash 6 Sets (Every 3:00) 10x25ft Shuttle...
Dr. Bruce Banner 100-75-50 Double Unders 150-100-50ft Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Lunge (50/35) 25 Stick Sit Ups (RX+ GHD’s) after each...
Power Snatch 3x3 3 Power Snatch x 3 sets Overhead Squat 3x3 3 Overhead Squats x 3 sets Incredible Hulk For Time: 12 Burpee Box Get Over...
Strength Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance 1x1 10-15 Minutes of Practice Conditioning John 3:16 AMRAP 1:00 10 Thrusters (115/80) Max...
Strength Power Clean 3x3 3 Power Cleans x 3 sets Conditioning John 19:30 Teams of 2 100 V-Ups Power Cleans (185/125) (RX+ 30 Sandbag...
Conditioning Galatians 2:20 16:00 Amrap 5 rounds 15/12 Calorie Row 10 Box Jumps (30/24) Max Rounds 12/10 Calorie Row 8 Strict Handstand...
Strength Snatch 3x3 3 Squat Snatch x 3 sets Conditioning 1 John 4:9-10 3 Rounds 30 Front Squats (75/55) 20 Toes to Bar 10 Burpees over Bar
Conditioning Romans 5:8 5 sets 400m Run 50 Double Unders 4 Wall Walks *Rest 1 min between sets* Accessory 3 Sets for Quality: 30 second...
Veb 21-15-9 Dumbbell Deadlifts (50s/35s) 42-30-18 Push Ups -Rest 5:00- 21-15-9 Power Snatch (115/80) (RX+ Sandbag Cleans) Deficit Push...
Strength Split Jerk 1x1 10-15 Minutes of Practice - Stay light and focus on form Conditioining Hank Pym For Time: 50 Stick Sit Ups (RX+...
Strength Clean 1x1 Squat Clean - Heavy Single (10-12 minutes) * Rest as needed between sets * Conditioning Kang the Conqueror 15:00...
Conditioning Cassie Lang 3 sets: 21-15-9* Calorie Row 42-30-18 Double Unders -Rest 3 minutes between sets- *Women’s calories: 16-12-8...
Strength (Wk 1) Snatch 1x1 Heavy Single Snatch - Heavy Single (10-12 minutes) * Rest as needed between sets * Conditioning Quantumania...
Conditioning Ghost Pepper 10 sets: 10 Deadlifts (135/95) 10 Push ups 100m Sprint (Or 8x25ft Shuttle Run) -Rest 2 minutes between sets-
Conditioning Thai Pepper 3 Person Team 5,000m Run or 4,000/3,200m Ski 6,000/4,800m Row * Only 2 working at the same time (1 resting) -...